Sunday 16 December 2012

Update on the video

Just an update on the video - a narrative version will be uploaded shortly.I just thought it would be interesting to get a screen grab from ours and compare it to the likes of other professional music videos within the same genre, this includes Sum 41, All American Rejects and Good Charlotte.As you can see, we focus upon the lead singer as much as other bands and in the same manner of shots as well which represents a clear indication with the audience viewer and our band.

Grading Test

Since we ran out of narrative footage because our shoot was delayed by about 1 week or 2, we decided that we would begin to look into grading the music video. We already liked the live performance (and with agreement with Mr Earl also) we at the moment aren't going to touch it. What we are going to change however is the narrative. It's been suggested that we change it to black and white by both Sean and Reece but that's slightly problematic 1) it isn't really conventional with what we've been looking at 2) we already have quit a conventional music video so why would we break away now? What are the complications? It is possible that we could tint it, still remaining colour but keeping a fine distance though I'm still even hesitant on this; maybe more colour is needed particularly around the effects of the drugs.
Nonetheless, here are some of our tests:

At the moment I really like the tints, 2 and 5.