Wednesday 27 February 2013

Planing - What we will need for tomorrow

This is a list of requirments for tomorrow:

- Canon 600D
- Tripod
- Table, (comfortable) chair for itnerview
- Tablet or laptop for viewing print products
- Additional camera / tripod
- All members of team
- Candiates for interviewing
- Comfirmation that the space for filming is available

Questions for Interview (Music Video Section)

As my role, I have developed these questions for the music video that will be asked during the itnerview tomorrow. These questions must be repeated to all that are interviewed, as to gain a consitant result.

1. Vision - How do you feel about the music video, is it visually pleasing?
2. Style - Did you feel that the music video had a specific style, if so what was it and do you feel it fits with the music and genre?
3. Story - Did you feel the narrative in this music video was easy to follow, if not why?
4. Editing - How did you feel about the editing (change in shots, tranistions), did it flow?
6. Live Peformance - Did you think the live peformance was effective, was it believable?

Planning Evaluation Question 3

Question 3, What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Me, Reece and Sean decided as a group that we would interview individuals that are specific to our target audience as a group. We have decdided that we are going to split the roles up between us:
Me - Interviewing about the music video
Sean - Asking aobut print products
Reece - Interviewing about links to genre and conventions

We will later decide the types of questions that we will each be asking as to keep continuity between each interview before filming tomorrow.

We are filming the interview tomorrow (Thuresday, 28th Feb) between periods 3 and 5. Luckily, our genre is targted towards teenagers/young adults, so we have plenty of people to pick from in our sixth form that are in range of this target audience; however this doesn't necessarily mean they have to be a fan of the genre either though are in that catergory.
We have decided that we will be filming the interview at the back of the stage in the hall, due to it being quiet and dark; we will also be using the art departments photography light so that we have a good lighting for the interview. For the master shot of this interview (and sound) we will be using my Canon 600D, whilst using other cameras for different camera angles; in the editing phase, we will edit as a group.

Because we have taken on roles and reponsibilites each for this interview (this will be demostrated through credits), the result should be even between us so that we are aiming to interview at least 3 individuals. Our goal however is to interview 6 by the end of tomorrow, so that our section of the evaluation each has different people that were interviewed.
We wish to also note that the individuals that we will interview will vary in personality and gender so that we have the maximum possibility to gain a different various point of views.
Our editing goal is to be finished by next week, Thuresday 7th March.

EDIT: I will later be uploading my planning for my evaluation.

Thursday 14 February 2013

All The Small Things FINAL

This is the final cut to our music video.
All The Small Things (original artist, Blink 182)
Cover by Tweeda

Wednesday 13 February 2013

QR code

This is just an example of a QR code so that audiences with smartphones can use the app or scanner to access information about the album, for example ours is 'TWEEDA SAY BUY THIS ALBUM.' This can be scanned by smartphone with a QR app (even if the code is on screen of a computer) and will present this information. This allows us to interact with our audiences on an additional level, as we are able to produce information to them almost instantly.

Digi pack update

Update on the digi back cover, as we decided to change a few of the letters, such as changing 'L' but it turns out the l was also a captial L. We also fought about making the QR code and other labels on the back larger so that they are all alignment with each other, but we can't change the size of the QR code because then it will not work. Whilst we tried, we decided that the cover is more aesthetically pleasing this way.

Digi-pack Development

This is our recent development for our digi-pack developed by the group - primarly Sean - though me and Reece have also been submitting our opinion too. I think these are great.

Because of the style of the music, agtagonists and revolution easily fit into the themes that we depict in the music video, as well as the genre that we are looking at.

This is more indie and individual, it has that illustration side that we saw in the genre, particularly (much like) Blink 182 Neighbourhoods album. More so, the black and white fits well with the genre as this is often used to depict text or images within the alternative rock community.

The lust is a big theme we pick out during the music video (as depicted by the suggestive sex scene in the music video), it fits really well and should out reach to our target audience. The vibrant artistic colours are effective too, as the pink, red and purple are easily representivie of lust (as we researched together). It's both attractive as well as metaphorical, particularly with the mixed sex symbol in the middle to suggest those themes that we address.

Personally, I don't like this one, particularly for the crude cubisum that it shows, but at the same time it could be argued that the sureal colours and 'messed up face' are representivitve of fake smiles, getting through it all and possibly taking drugs which are also themes that we have depicted.

We again embark on the theme and more so idea of drugs, 'Psychedlic Pug' uses vibrant yellow and green to create that 'trippy' feel within the piece, though it has a much more mellow feel to it. This feels a lot like the disorted and almost abstract pieces from the digi pack of LP.

For all the samll things, we decided that the title would be in the middle as it is the single from the album. We decided to go with the theme of drugs and alchol as these are also themes that we have addressed in our music video -we see the narrative characters taking drugs as well as drinking alchol- and these are the themes we depicted from our research into the genre, looking at both music videos and digipacks as well as CDs for similar bands.

The digipack isn't complete yet, we have 4 more pages to produce, as well as the internal back cover which will be completed by tomorrow.