Monday 12 November 2012

Look Over

Looking back over my blog, I'm having some thought of what may be needed, what could be improved and what I have to do to prepare for the next few weeks. I decided to look from the beginning, which meant looking at my research of music videos earlier in the year (July through August) looking at the 7 detailed examples of music videos, looking into conventions, production design, photography and editing techinque.

 30 Seconds to Mars - From Yesterday

Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

All Time Low - Time Bomb

Sick of You - Cake

The Damned Things - We've Got A Situation

Linkin Park - The Catalyst

Other examples:

30 Seconds to Mars

Cold Play

Sum 41

All American Rejects

Through a range of videos I've looked at, iconography is possibly the most important point of the music video - the band are always playing, at least, it always tries to find some way to refer back to the band if not the lead singer or apparent 'leader' of the band (for example, Linkin Park divide the major iconography between Chester and Mike, the lead vocalists). The shots are in a standard close-up style, sometimes even extreme close up or medium close up to example the link between the band, music and (if there is one, more commonly anyway) narrative. In terms of live peformance, it's apparent that iconography is an extreamly important feature of the music video - so obviously (as I've identified throughout the blog) that iconography will be an important feature to add to the music video.

Looking back over my blog, I think it's clear that there's a substantional amount of research, looking into a range of videos in detail - identifying audience, conventions, music, editing, it's gave me a lot of understanding and background research into the genre of altnerative rock music videos - more so, it has given me the oppotunity to identify what our music video will require. Whilst I haven't written many blogs about this, I have identified it often enough to know what we need; some short summaries have been made about the conventions and what should be implimented into our music video, very little has been done about it. This is something I will need to develop in the future or in reality this week before we go to shoot the live peformance on Friday.

Other blogs (considering that my blog currently stands at 48 posts) is more or less regualrly updated apart from the last week, I'm aware that I should update the blog at least once a week if not three times a week, though I have been slightly neglecting it as planning has been going extreamly slowly. Updates at the beginning and the end of the week would be useful.

In comparison to my AS Blog, I think I have a lot more research for the alternative rock music video, not only do I look at a lot more music videos, I also look at the conventions, style, audience and effectively branding of a band too. I know, when I come to film, what's needed in terms of shot styles and keep regarding notes to edits as well - the image or iconography (also conventions) is obvious as there is a lot more depth than my AS Blog to the research. However, one thing that I think I will need to improve on is the planning of my music video. So far, very little detailed planning has been done, some scripts and scenarios along with time tabling are up, but other than that last year was far more detailed; this is something that can be worked on this week before filming or during filming especially as we do not start by friday. I think one of the problems about planning for this music video is that a lot of it will require over lapping action and that there aren't specific types of shots for certain scnes, more so in the live performance.

On a lighter note, we will be filming with a canon 600D that has HD filming quality - as I have been trained to use professional cameras at the NSA manually, I am accustomed to using focus, white balance and exposure effectively and artisticly. Hopefully, we will get some good footage from it, however I am unsure so as part of the plan we're taking one of the media cameras too so that when we review some footage on shoot, if we want to change camera and re-do we can.

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