Tuesday 25 September 2012

Paramore - All We Know Is Falling

This is Paramore's All We Know Is Falling album (their first) and you really get a nice plain sense of the alternative rock genre here. The album cover is increadiably abstract, why is there as sofa there? Stars, forest - its screams alternative because it has that 'crazy' abstarct feel about it; what's more, it still has that sense of contrast on the cover, the bright colours of the sofa contrasts against the dull, calm colours of the sky and forest. On the back of the CD, the whole band are on that sofa, so it sorta fills the gap inbetween as well (again) that sense of iconography. Inside the CD case, the CD continues (very similiarly to Good Charlotte a contrast of colour against white, this time a nice pale blue - once more, keeping some contunity with the cover). The inside digi pack is simple, it has a nice rough feel to its pages, like old paper, with artificals 'splats of paint' in pale blue with the lyrics for each song per page - unlike Good Charlotte their in a blooklet form, though an image of the band is in the back, continuing that sense of iconography.

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