Sunday 14 October 2012

Check List / Update

This is just an update of the documents that we have done so far - we've done the pitch and treatment (which is uploaded to my blog) and the prop sheet and costume sheet (which was done by Sean and Reece whilst I looked more into narrative) will be uploaded soon.
We should have clearances ready soon, we have most of our people bar narrative, and we just need to bolt down our locations and then we're good to go. The rest more or less depends on the narrative and script being drawn up, then we can get to work relatively quickly on the rest.

We all realise there's one slight problem with our shooting time; me and Sean are away during the october half term, which means we can't film until the 3rd of November at the earliest - though there's slight news on the horizon. Instead of using standard hand held cameras, we might be able to use a DSLR or professionally HDV SD camera after talking to my grandfather (which will require some training also) but this also means we will only have this equipment for a limited time, but we think it would be better because it gives us the opportunity to film in a higher quality; more so, this is further opponistic as I'm apart of northern stars film academy, I already have experience with DSLR cameras, so I'm prepared to use focus, white balance and exposure correctly or to the style we want. Hopefully, this will go ahead however ironically I won't find out until the 2nd of November at the earliest.

1 comment:

  1. Would be good if you could use some better kit, although you're correct in that you'll need to think more about the technical aspects. Make sure that all your production documentation (treatment, storyboard, schedules etc.) is logged and uploaded by the end of the week.
