Tuesday 16 October 2012

The All American Rejects - Move Along

Again, this is just a quick little look into relivence of what we might do. In terms of themes in mind, this one is bang on the money - it really homes in on that isolation and youth teen spirit with the football and romance scenes, and the ending too warps up nicely with the whole themes involved being resolved in some way, particularly as theirs suddenly a live audience there; whilst we're not having a live audience, we can concempensate for that in narrative. What really interests me is the editing here, with over lapping shots, each the same but with different scenes, there's about 6 edits per second and it's perfectly synced - it's really unique and therefore alternative, anyone who watches it realises that it belongs to this genre of music due to the set up, the clothing/costume, the themes and of course the editing in relation to sound. Whilst the video doesn't have much to offer in terms of narrative, it's well worth a look into what we could do come editing; editing to music may be a challenge, so this could always be a possibility (though I don't see this to be likely due my natural ability to count beat tempo in seconds due to drumming).

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